
Blast furnace coke

Title: Blast furnace coke
Symbols: VK 4
Grain size: more than 25 mmm

Purpose-built quality features - mandatory characteristics, according to STN 44 1400

Values of purpose-built quality features for KZ
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 4,5%
b) max. ash content in dry matter (Ad) 11,5%
c) min. coke strength by test Micum (M40) 78,0 %
d) max. coke abrasive ability by test Micum (M10) 7,0%
e) max. undersize content 8,0%
f) max. content of all sulfur in dry matter (Std) 0,55%
g) max. content of all phosphorus without water (Pd) 0,04%
h) max. content of volatile substances (Vdaf) 0,90%
i) min. heat value (Qri) 28,00 (MJ/kg)
Release quality features - decisive for the release of the product for shipping *
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 4,5 %
b) min. coke strength by test Micum (M40) 78,0 %
c) max. coke abrasive ability by test Micum (M10) 7,0 %
d) max. undersize content 8,0 %

* Note: other purpose-build quality features supplier shall provide to the customer under agreement.

Coke wet

Title: Coke wet total
Symbols: CKM
Grain size: 0 - 150 mm

Purpose-built quality features - mandatory characteristics, according to STN 44 1400

Values of purpose-built quality features for KZ
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 8,0%
b) max. ash content in dry matter (Ad) 11,5%
c) max. content of all sulfur in dry matter (Std) 0,55%
d) max. content of all phosphorus without water (Pd) 0,04%
e) max. content of volatile substances (Vdaf) 1,20%
f) min. heat value (Qri) 27,00 (MJ/kg)
Release quality features - decisive for the release of the product for shipping *
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 8,0 %

* Note: other purpose-build quality features supplier shall provide to the customer under agreement.

Coke nut 1

Title: Coke nut 1
Symbols: o1
Grain size: 35 - 60 mm

Purpose-built quality features - mandatory characteristics, according to STN 44 1400

Values of purpose-built quality features for KZ
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 10,0%
b) max. ash content in dry matter (Ad) 11,5%
b) max. undersize content 13,0%
c) max. content of all sulfur in dry matter (Std) 0,55%
d) max. content of all phosphorus without water (Pd) 0,04%
e) max. content of volatile substances (Vdaf) 1,00%
f) min. heat value (Qri) 26,50 (MJ/kg)
Release quality features - decisive for the release of the product for shipping *
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 10,0 %
b) max. undersize content 13,0 %

* Note: other purpose-build quality features supplier shall provide to the customer under agreement.

Coke nut 3

Title: Coke nut 3
Symbols: O 3
Grain size: 20 - 30 mm

Purpose-built quality features - mandatory characteristics, according to STN 44 1400

Values of purpose-built quality features for KZ
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 13,5%
b) max. ash content in dry matter (Ad) 12,0%
c) max. undersize content 14,0%
d) max. dust content (<10 mm) 9,0%
e) max. content of all sulfur (Sd) 0,55%
f) max. content of volatile substances (Vdaf) 1,20%
g) min. heat value (Qri) 26,50 (MJ/kg)
Release quality features - decisive for the release of the product for shipping *
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 13,5 %
b) max. undersize content 14,0 %

* Note: other purpose-build quality features supplier shall provide to the customer under agreement.

Coke pea

Title: Coke pea
Symbols: hr
Grain size: 10 - 20 mm

Purpose-built quality features - mandatory characteristics, according to STN 44 1400

Values of purpose-built quality features for KZ
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 18,0%
b) max. ash content in dry matter (Ad) 12,0%
c) max. undersize content 17,0%
d) max. content of all sulfur (Sd) 0,55%
e) max. content of volatile substances (Vdaf) 1,50%
f) min. heat value (Qri) 24,00 (MJ/kg)
Release quality features - decisive for the release of the product for shipping *
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 18,0 %
b) max. undersize content 17,0 %

* Note: other purpose-build quality features supplier shall provide to the customer under agreement.

Coke breeze

Title: Coke breeze
Symbols: p
Grain size: 0 - 10 mm

Purpose-built quality features - mandatory characteristics, according to STN 44 1400

Values of purpose-built quality features for KZ
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 21,5%
b) max. ash content in dry matter (Ad) 12,5%
c) max. content of all sulfur (Sd) 0,55%
d) max. content of volatile substances (Vdaf) 2,50%
e) min. heat value (Qri) 23,00 (MJ/kg)
Release quality features - decisive for the release of the product for shipping *
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 21,5 %

* Note: other purpose-build quality features supplier shall provide to the customer under agreement.

Coke breeze

Title: Coke breeze
Symbols: p
Grain size: 0 - 20 mm

Účelové znaky kvality - záväzné znaky, podľa normy STN 44 1400

Values of purpose-built quality features for KZ
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 21,0%
b) max. ash content in dry matter (Ad) 12,5%
c) max. content of all sulfur (Sd) 0,6%
d) max. content of volatile substances (Vdaf) 2,50%
e) min. heat value (Qri) 23,00 (MJ/kg)
Release quality features - decisive for the release of the product for shipping *
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 21,0 %

* Note: other purpose-build quality features supplier shall provide to the customer under agreement.

Coke breeze

Title: Coke breeze
Symbols: p
Grain size: 0 - 25 mm

Purpose-built quality features - mandatory characteristics, according to STN 44 1400

Values of purpose-built quality features for KZ
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 25,0%
b) max. ash content in dry matter (Ad) 12,5%
c) max. content of all sulfur (Sd) 0,7%
d) max. content of volatile substances (Vdaf) 3,00%
e) min. heat value (Qri) 23,00 (MJ/kg)
Release quality features - decisive for the release of the product for shipping *
a) max. water content in the original condition (Wtr) 25,0 %

* Note: other purpose-build quality features supplier shall provide to the customer under agreement.